I came across this link today while looking for something completely


It looks like it combines jCarousel and Cycle.  It would need tweaking
to be ajax-friendly, but it's at least a proof of concept =)

On Apr 15, 12:35 am, Jack Killpatrick <j...@ihwy.com> wrote:
> Hmm, I have a pretty big collection of plugin bookmarks, but looked
> through them and couldn't find something that seemed quite right,
> either. Found this, which seems like a near-hit:
> http://www.monc.se/galleria/demo/demo_01.htm#img/lightning.jpg
> and this, but it hooks to Flickr:
> http://www.userfriendlythinking.com/Blog/BlogDetail.asp?p1=7013&p2=10...
> I'm interested in hearing if you find something. Good luck!
> - Jack
> rubycat wrote:
> > For what it's worth, here's my plea for pretty much the same
> > thing...the magic of Cycle combined with the utility of jCarousel.
> > Have been agonizing over this, searching endlessly for an unobtrusive
> > solution with no luck.

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