
Experiencing a little problem using the WYSIWYG inline editor with
jEditable. I have succesfully installed it and got it actually to
work. But here’s the thing: Once I specify options/controls for the
wysiwyg editor, these are only being applied to the first ‘editable’
area I activate. Once I click/activate a second or third ‘editable’
area they display the wysiwyg editor with default settings.
Here’s some javascript (jQuery) code:

          .editable('editdatabase.php', {
                    name : 'content',
                    submit : 'OK',
                    cancel : 'Cancel',
                    type : 'wysiwyg',
                    onblur : 'ignore',
                    wysiwyg : {
                              controls : {
                                        underline : { visible :
true },
                                        insertImage : { visible :
false },
                                        h1mozilla : { visible :
false },
                                        h2mozilla : { visible :
false },
                                        h3mozilla : { visible :
false },
                                        h1 : { visible : false },
                                        h2 : { visible : false },
                                        h3 : { visible : false }

Summary: When creating multiple textarea's out of paragraphs (with the
class postContent) using the jEditable plugin, the WYSIWYG editor only
takes account of my settings in the first textarea, in the other
textareas the settings are ignored.

Could anyone help me out on this one?
Many thanks in advance.


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