Hi Annie

Apparently you are very confused.

The right place to solve your issue is :

You should discuss your issues with the Joomla extension developer that has created this Joomla module : Cy Morris The Joomla module "Superfish Dropdown Menu" uses a script named "Superfish" created by a jQuery plugin developer : Joel Birch. The "Superfish" script uses a javascript library named jQuery created by a javascript developer named John Resig.

Your rant is bit similar to someone who would attack Benjamin Franklin because the TV is not functioning. Its not because you cant get your stuff working properly that you are "stupid", and its not the fault of the rest of the world either.

Web development is complex, and sometimes frustrating, but ignorance not an excuse for aggressivity. Nobody has been hurt anyway, but you won't get much help with that kind of attitude.

Actually it seems that the "cause" of your troubles is something else on your website.

There is an other option for you if you prefer, which is to get a webagency to do the work for you. You'll need to pay a lot of money of course,
but they will put a nice smiling person between you and the developers.


Annie's Favorite Stuff wrote:
I downloaded your Superfish file, and it didn't work, which caused a
lot of confusion and I've wasted an entire day trying to find some
menu system that will actually work... Then I tried installing your
system again.  And this time it installed.  I'm not sure which one is
corrupted but it caused a whole lot of problems. I know it's not your
fault if a file is bad but I'm really *bothered* at the moment, and I
left a bad review over there at the Extensions so you may have to deal
with them if you want it repealed. -- Annie.

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