If I'm understanding you correctly, the only way I can think of to get around this (off the top of my head) is to include the metadata plugin and set the datatype directly in the html.


something like this (incomplete/untested):

<a href="foo" class={ajaxSettings: {datatype: 'jsonp'}}">some text</a>

Also, make sure you're using the latest version of the clueTip plugin from Github:



Karl Swedberg

On Apr 30, 2009, at 6:56 AM, cluetip user wrote:


I wanted to use cluetip and jsonp with jquery (1.2.5, but apparently
the issue is also present in jquery 1.3).

I wanted to add a cluetip popup for a bunch of links like this:

 $("a[cluetip]").cluetip({'sticky': true,
        ajaxSettings: { dataType: 'jsonp'},

This works very well for the first link which is hovered, but fails to
work with further links.

The problem is jquery overrides the jsonp dataType with "script":

// We need to make sure
// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
s.dataType = "script";

Since the ajaxSettings dictionary in the cluetip call is shared by all
links, the first activation overrides the dataType for all of them,
and no further jsonp calls will be made, because the data type is not
jsonp anymore.

Is it a bug? I didn't see a way to invoke cluetip for the links one by
one, so that I can pass in a different dictionary instance for each of

Can you suggest me a workaround? Thanks.

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