Yes, we have firebug 1.3.1 installed.


On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 11:58 PM, John Resig <> wrote:

> Do you have Firebug installed? Some versions of Firebug submit requests
> twice.
> --John
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Josh Ain <> wrote:
>> Very intermittently, I am finding ajax requests submitted with jquery are
>> being submitted twice, once with parameters, and once without parameters.
>> The code looks something like this:
>>                 {param1: param1,
>>                   param2: param2,
>>                   id: id},
>>                   callback);
>> We are using jquery 1.3.1, and the error occurred most recently from a
>> firefox 2 browser.
>> What we see on the server side, is a request with all the expected
>> parameters, then about 200ms later, a request with only the id parameter.
>> Does anybody have any idea why this is happening, and how to avoid this
>> issue?
>> Thank you for any assistance!
>> Josh Ain
>> ITA Software

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