hi Ricardo!

in fact i removed all code that was out of the realm of this issue, to
not make you guys read 50 lines of codes.

i keep the hasClass() suggestion though !

i don't understand why parents().is(':not("") does not work though. I
wonder if there isn't a bug because it used to work before, with
jquery 1.2.6. Maybe the switch to sizzle provoked it. I'll have to
investigate to confirm that.


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:35 PM, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No #detailsNavigation in your HTML.. and why not simply $
> (".metaSection a").click(function(){... ? Also you can swap $thisA.is
> (:not... for !$thisA.hasClass('noSwap'), much less overhead.
> Despite that code looks fine, could you provide a working sample at
> jsbin.com or the likes?
> On May 1, 12:29 pm, pixeline <aplennev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello !
>> I'm assigning a specific "swap position" behaviour on click to a list
>> of links, all sitting inside a multilevel unordered list with id
>> "detailsNavigation"
>> That behaviour only concerns specific anchors and those with class
>> "noSwap" shouldn't ... swap.
>> Can you explain me why this does not work?
>>  $("#detailsNavigation li ul li a").bind("click", function()
>>           {
>>                 var $thisA = $(this);
>>                 var $thisLI = $thisA.parent();
>>                 var $thisUL = $thisLI.parent();
>>                 if ($thisUL.parents('li').is(':not("#metadesign,
>> #editions, #timeline, #related")') || $thisA.is(':not(".noSwap")'))
>>                 {
>>                 // do that swappin' thingy
>>                 }
>> });
>> Here is the related html:
>>     <ul>
>>         <li class="clearfix" id="metadesign">
>>             <ul style="display: block;" class="detailsSubnav clearfix
>> selected">
>>                 <li class="clearfix" style="width: 100%;">
>>                     <ul class="metaSection clearfix">
>>                         <li class="skinColor
>> metaSectionTitle">concepts</li>
>>                         <li><a class="ajax noSwap" href="http://m2.lab-
>> au.com/projects/f551/metadesign/concepts/8/">
>>                             electrosensing</a></li>
>>                     </ul>
>>                     <ul class="metaSection clearfix">
>>                         <li style="display: list-item;">
>>                          <a class="ajax selected noSwap" href="http://
>> m2.lab-au.com/projects/f551/metadesign/methods/
>> referencing/">referencing</a>
>>                         </li>
>>                         <li class="skinColor
>> metaSectionTitle">methods</li>
>>                         <li class="inactive"><span
>> class="inactive">Data mining</span></li>
>>                     </ul>
>>                 </li>
>>             </ul>
>>         </li>
>>     </ul>
>> Thanks a lot for your help!
>> Alexandre
> >

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