Showing some snip of code would go a long way for others to help

pretty much keep in mind that you can't wire up the ".tablesorter()"
call until the table exists on the DOM

On May 3, 3:51 pm, "" <> wrote:
> I am a newbie.
> I am wondering if someone can explain how to configure the tablesorter
> plugin to work with a table generated with ajax.
> My usage is straightforward.
> 1. User makes form selections
> 2. hits submit
> 3. parameters passed to php file
> 4. table is generated from php/mysql
> 5. result is delivered to a <div>
> it works well.  The problem is that I don;t know how to apply
> tablesorter to it (I need pagination and sorting).  I tried the
> default set-up as explained in the doc, but nothing happens.
> Something needs to be done differently to support ajax tables, but I
> don't know what it is.
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.  (It doesn't have to be
> tablesorter if there is a better way.)

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