I work much better with examples, I hope this helps.

The first set of parenthesis is the selector, consider this hidden

<input type="hidden" id="thisHidden" value="12.21">

If you'd like to fetch the "12.21" out of this hidden field, think of
a CSS selector (where ID = # and CLASS = .):

var thisVal = $("#thisHidden").val();

then if you do an 'alert' on this val:


12.21 would be alerted.

jQuery rocks, have fun and keep after it, you'll be glad you did.

On May 3, 1:39 am, kiusau <kiu...@mac.com> wrote:
> QUESTION:  What does the first pair of parentheses indicate in the
> following statement:
>         $().getBrowserInformation();
> BACKGROUND:  I have noticed that their presence or absence can make or
> break JavaScript's acknowledgement of a method's existence on the one
> hand, but seem entirely unnecessary under other circumstances.
> Roddy

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