Man, this is frustrating. I'm using jqModal to submit an ajax request
and things work fine on FF and Safari. I then got to work and tried my
stuff on IE6 and I'm stumped... the first time you click on a link in
a table, it goes to the server with the ajax call and returns a form
displayed in the resulting div. Things are fine. However, when you
click that same edit link again from the table, the modal window
fires, but this second modal window never fires the ajax event to the

When the modal window form submits it actually ends up doing a full
round trip repopulating the whole page, so I don't think it's related
to issues with events not being bound after you return from an ajax

I even tried to bring it down to more manual control by firing some
defined functions instead of relying it on binding to buttons. So what
I have is...

//A table that some links like:
<a href="javascript:editWfeGroup('${w.wfeGroupID}')">Edit</a>

//The editWfeGroup function:
 function editWfeGroup(_wfeGroupID) {
                $('#groupFormDiv').jqm({modal: true,
                    , ajaxText: loadingHTML})

//a div
<div id="groupFormDiv" class="jqmWindow"></div>

On the server side I'll only see the WFEMaintenance.action hit ONCE
the first time you click on edit for a link in the table. You can go
through and click on edit for all the row and the server side call is
made, however, if you try to hit again, it doesn't fire.

Why would I only be seeing this issue in IE6? in FF/Safari no issues.

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