Thanks for your reply.

This is what I have.

function validateName(button) {
    txtName.rules('add', {
        remote: {
            url: 'validate.ashx'
            , data: ({id: txtName.attr('name')})
        , messages: {
            remote: '* Error'

    var canSubmit = 0;
    var ajaxCalled = false;

    $().ajaxStart(function() {
        ajaxCalled = true;
    $().ajaxStop(function() {
        canSubmit = txtName.valid();
        if (canSubmit == 1)
            // If the remote validation has completed and returns
'true', execute the ASP.NET server-side onClick event of the button
            __doPostBack(,"$"), '');
    var isNameValid = txtName.valid();
    return !ajaxCalled && isNameValid == 1;


Essentially the method to returns false anytime the remote validation
is fired. This is so that my Save button (ASP.NET Link button) does
not execute its server-side onClick event prior to the completion of
the jQuery's remote validation.

On May 7, 1:34 am, Jörn Zaefferer <>
> Not easy to solve - you could use $().ajaxStop() to wait for the
> request to finish, then you valid() again, this time it will validate
> the cached value and return the correct result.
> Jörn
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:00 AM, Mekilioz <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to do a jqueryremotevalidationon a 'Name' text field.
> > Thevalidationchecks if the name is unique, hence it has to be done
> > through theremotemethod.
> > 'Save' button onclick is attached to this javascript method
> > function validateName() {
> >    txtName.rules('add', {
> >        remote: {
> >            url: 'validate.ashx'
> >            , data: ({id: txtName.attr('name')})
> >            }
> >        }
> >        , messages: {
> >            remote: '* Error'
> >        }
> >    });
> >    var isNameValid = txtName.valid()
> >    return isNameValid;
> > }
> > The problem I have is that .valid() always returns false - because it
> > doesn't wait for theremotevalidationGET to complete. Hence
> >validationfails. Any suggestions? How do people normally doremote
> >validationin jquery?
> > Note: I know for sure that validate.ashx returns true.
> > Thanks in advance.

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