There is an unautocomplete-method.


On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 3:03 PM, epitka <> wrote:
> Nobody knows how to remove plugin after it has been added?
> On May 6, 4:04 pm, epitka <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> How do I remove autocomplete from the text box dynamically. I have a
>> text box that will perform two kinds of searches depending on the
>> context (don't ask me why, beyond my control). I need to remove
>> previous autocomplete and attach new one. Difference is in the url
>> that it goes against. Or maybe there is a way to change Url and some
>> options dynamically?
>> I've been trying this with no luck. It just keeps adding new
>> autocompletes. This is markup after binding in aspx page.
>>     $("#rbClientName").click(
>>                 function() {
>>                     debugger;
>>                     $("#ctl00_mainBody_txtClientNumber").unbind
>> ("autocomplete");
>>                     //clear text and focus
>>                     $("#ctl00_mainBody_txtClientNumber").val("").focus
>> ();
>>                     //attach autocomplete to txtClientNumber text box
>>                     $("#ctl00_mainBody_txtClientNumber").autocomplete
>> ('ws://../WebServices/ClientSearch.asmx/GetClientNameSearchResults', {
>>                         multiple: false,
>>                         minChars: 3,
>>                         max: 100,
>>                         mustmatch: true,
>>                         scroll: false,
>>                         highlight: function(value, term) { return
>> value; },
>>                         formatItem: function(item) {
>>                             return format(item);
>>                         }
>>                     })

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