Live events are probably what you're looking for. They allow you to
bind events to dom nodes that don't exist yet.

However they don't work for change.. you would have to refactor your
code a bit to use 'click'

On May 7, 7:00 am, vmoravek <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to ask you for help with some behavior with replace DIV
> content. I understood why it happens but I don’t know or I don’t
> clearly understood how I can fight against.
> When I use ajax jquery call $load and replace DIV with new html
> content I lost DOM binding for new html elements.
> I read some articles on internet or on and  found why.
> Because new DIV content was load after all page is loaded so I must
> somehow ”register”  new elements into DOM structure, and also i did
> found manual how solve my trouble 
> on,
> but doing something wrong and cannot write right jquery code :(
> My example:
> I have html user registration form with many INPUT:TEXT fields like
> “username” “address”, “email” etc.. When change event is detected on
> any of those fields, validation process is call by AJAX request and
> return html code. Everything work fine but only once. Please, could
> you look on my code and tell me how I can rebind new INPUT:TEXT fields
> to DOM structure.
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $("input:text").change(function() {
> //POST values
>                         var postdata = {};
>                         postdata["name"]              = $(this).attr("name");;
>                         postdata[$.input_name]  = $(this).val();;
>         //Send AJAX request
>               div_name =  ".reg_field_" + $(this).attr("name");
>                 $(div_name).load("/test/index.php &ajax=true",postdata)
>         });
> });

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