Hello All,

I am trying to clean an Ajax JSON response of some invalid characters.
Basically, I make an Ajax call using POST, and dataType is json. One
of the variables in the JSON is a path, which contains backslashes. I
also have a variable called notes which contains lots of text and line
breaks, but I don't foresee that as being the issue. The problem seems
to cause the success function to fail and not run. What I attempted to
do is clean the response string using dataFilter, but this does not
seem to work either. Anybody have any suggestions as to a way to clean
this response efficiently?


Eli Perelman

Here is the request:
        async: false,
        type: "POST",
        url: ajaxHandler,
        dataType: "json",
        data: "action=getInsuranceCompany&id=" + id,
                dataFilter: function(data,type) {
                        return data;
        success: function(InsCoReturn){
            objInsuranceCompany = InsCoReturn.detail[0];

Here is an example response:
{ "detail" : [{"id" : "1","useraccount" : "Alisa","datestamp" :
"2008-11-28 00:00:00","companyname" : "Allianz Life Insurance
Company","officephone" : "8779744653","officephoneext" :
"","officefax" : "7635826004","address1" : "5701 Golden Hills
Dr.","address2" : "","city" : "Minneapolis","state" : "MN","zipcode" :
"554161297","contactperson" : "","contactemail" : "","contactcellph" :
"","webaddress" : "","notes" : "","path" : "r:\images\horizontal
\allianz.gif","verticalpath" : "r:\images\vertical
\allianz_vert.gif","accountid" : "1"}]}

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