On May 8, 12:20 pm, RobG <rg...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> On May 7, 9:42 am, "Michael B.  Williams" <mbw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Consider the following select box:
> > <select id="test">
> > <option value=""></option>
> > <option label="XS" value="1">XS</option>
> > <option label="S" value="2">S</option>
> > <option label="M" value="3">M</option>
> > <option label="L" value="4">L</option>
> > <option label="XL" value="5">XL</option>
> > <option label="0" value="6">0</option>
> > <option label="1" value="7">1</option>
> > <option label="2" value="8">2</option>
> > <option label="3" value="9">3</option>
> > <option label="4" value="10">4</option>
> > <option label="5" value="11">5</option>
> > <option label="6" value="12">6</option>
> > <option label="7" value="13">7</option>
> > <option label="8" value="14">8</option>
> > <option label="9" value="15">9</option>
> > <option label="10" value="16">10</option>
> > <option label="11" value="17">11</option>
> > <option label="12" value="18">12</option>
> > </select>
> > If I do a $("#test").val(2) on this I would hope it would select "S",
> > but instead it selects "2". Why is this setting the value of the
> > select box based on the label rather than based on the value
> > attribute?
> It isn't, it is selecting the option with text 2, which just happens
> to be the one with a label of 2.
> jQuery works backward through the set of options to find the first
> with either a text or value property equal to the supplied value and
> sets the first that it finds to selected.

That isn't correct (dumb error reading makeArray), it goes through
them in order, but leaves the last option with a matching value or
text as selected.


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