Hi Folks

I've discovered some really strange behavior with hiding/showing a
dynamic jcarousel:

I have a jcarousel and have it get items dynamically... Works like a
charm... Then I place this jcarousel in an accordion menu, so
basically just a hidden div.

When I show the parent div I get one of two strange behaviors...
Either a) only a 2 pixel slice of the first
item in the carousel is rendered until I click the "next" button or b)
it renders only 4 items per "page" when there is clearly room for 5.

If I don't have the carousel in a div; it works perfectly; it also
seems to work (more) correctly with FF than with IE.

The problem solves itself if I resize the actual browser window; so I
can only assume it's some sort of refresh issue?

You can see it working at:

Click on the different accordion tabs causes the problem (especially
in IE).

Hope you can help.


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