Hi there,

I'm looking to do the same sort of thing ---- I don't need the dynamic
list functionality but the var with a custom startPlace is exactly
what I'm looking for.

I have the .active class in place, problem that I'm getting is that
after the page reloads, the carousel isn't auto-scrolling to the image/
thumbnail with the .active class. Even though it's 'highlighted' with
a css class, it still starts at the very beginning of the slideshow.


On May 6, 10:49 am, Mimi <marie.thac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a dynamicjCarouselwhich pulls in JSON data from php, and
> prints out the list html.
> What I'm trying to do is set the carousel start item as a variable,
> which would find the item with the class ".active", and start with
> that item.  The problem is that since the data is dynamic when it
> looks for the start item, the list hasn't yet been rendered, therefore
> doesn't find any class or list data.
> The code below works with a static list, but not dynamic. I think my
> options are (a) wait for carousel to load, then somehow set the
> "start" item after,  or (b) after list loads auto-scroll to the item
> with class ".active".  Neither of which I know how to do.  Or maybe
> you have a better idea that i've missed?
> Help please, I've exhausted all my ideas at this point, need some
> help.
> Here's the code i'm working with for the dyamic list:
> ------------------------------
> <script language="javascript">
>         $(document).ready(function() {
>                 /* create an image slideshow from a JSON array 
> usingjcarousel*/
>                 var itemLoadCallback = function(carousel, state) {
>                         if (state != 'init') {
>                                 return;
>                         }
>                         jQuery.getJSON("json_output.js", function(data){
>                                 itemAddCallback(carousel, carousel.first, 
> carousel.last,
> data.items);
>                         });
>                 };
>                 var itemAddCallback = function(carousel, first, last, data) {
>                     for (i = 0, j = data.length; i < j; i++) {
>                         carousel.add(i, getItemHTML(data[i]));
>                     }
>                     carousel.size(data.length);
>                 };
>                 /* format the data in each li */
>                 var getItemHTML = function(d) {
>                         return '<div class="' +
>                                 d.active + '"><div class="lb-rank">' +
>                                 d.rank + '</div><div class="lb-photo"><a 
> class="' +
>                                 d.active + '" target="_blank" href="' +
>                                 d.profile_url + '"><img class="product" 
> alt="product photo" src="'
> +
>                                 d.pic + '" border="0" /></a></div><div 
> class="lb-name"><div
> class="lb-name-truncate"><a target="_blank" href="' +
>                                 d.profile_url + '">' +
>                                 d.name + '</a></div><h1>' +
>                                 d.score + '</h1></div><div 
> class="lb-icons"><a class="smack-
> button" href="' +
>                                 d.smack_url + '><img 
> src="../images/spacer.gif" width="50"
> height="45" border="0" alt="..." title="Send Smack Talk to this
> friend" /></a></div></div>';
>                 };
>                 /* print out the carousel & custom config */
>                 var container = $('#mycarousel'); //better call the whole 
> thing from
> inside document.ready
>                 var startPlace = 
> $('a',container).index($('.active',container));
>                 jQuery('#mycarousel').jcarousel({
>                         itemLoadCallback: itemLoadCallback,
>                         start: startPlace,
>                         scroll: 3
>                 });
>         });
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
>   <ul id="mycarousel" class="jcarouseljcarousel-skin-tango">
>   </ul>
> </body>

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