
On Apr 21, 6:38 am, Leanan <> wrote:
> I'm trying to load some javascript files via ajax, and for the life of
> me, I can't get it to catch 404 errors.  I've tried searching, but
> everything I've found says that I should check the status on the
> request object to catch it but it's not even getting that far.
> I've tried:
> $.ajax({
>   url: "http://some.bogus/javascript.js";,
>   success: function() {
>     do_something();
>   },
>   error: function(myrequest,mystatus,myerror) {
>      do_something_else();
>   }
> });
> I would try $.getScript, but that appears to have no way of handling
> errors.
> I've even tried just doing a"test") -- it doesn't even
> do that.  Firebug shows a 404 error (obviously) but the error doesn't
> seem to be being caught?
> I'm loading jquery through the google api, version 1.3.2
> Ideas?  I've done this before and never had any issues, but it's been
> a couple of months and I can't for the life of me figure out why I'm
> having this problem.

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