Are you sure the data is coming back the way you expect? Put an alert
(data) in the callback function.

On May 13, 3:02 am, V <> wrote:
> I can't get global variables work, maybe somebody knows the answer
> because this should be very simple.
> The following does not work, the price is not available at the end of
> the function in the alert.
> function calc_matrix(x, y)
> {
>         loc = "index.php?module=product";
>         var price = 0;
>         $.post(loc,
>         {
>                 "request":"xmlhttp",
>                 "action":"calc_pricematrix",
>                 "x":x,
>                 "y":y
>         },
>         function(data)
>         {
>                 price = Math.round(parseFloat(data)*100)/100;
>         });
>         alert(price);
> }

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