Not sure this is the "best" way but try this:
    if($(this).attr("amount") > remaining){ $(this).attr("disabled",
true) }
Hope this helps.

On May 14, 5:31 am, Daniel Murker <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a form containing a list of checkboxes each with an 'amount'
> attribute.  These checkboxes are in no particular order, and all have
> different values for the amount attribute.  Example:
> <input type='checkbox' amount='5' name='testName[]'  class='testClass'>
> <input type='checkbox' amount='14' name='testName[]' class='testClass2'>
> <input type='checkbox' amount='2' name='testName[]' class='testClass'>
> I had hoped to use jquery to retrieve the value from the amount attribute,
> subtract it from another number, and then disable any inputs of class
> 'puzzle' with 'amount's greater than the remaining number.
> Example:
> $().ready(function(){
>     var remaining = 15;
>    $("input[amount]").click(function(){
>         if ( $(this).is(':checked'){
>             var subtract = parseInt( $(this).attr('amount') );
>             remaining -= subtract;
>             <problem is here>
>         }
>     });
> });
> for the above code, what would be the best way to then DISABLE any and all
> remaining inputs with the amount attribute that have an amount attribute
> value greater than the new value of the *remaining* variable?
> is it even possible?
> Daniel

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