Hey guys,

Got a little script I've written. Would like to animate the appearance
of the #sidebar2 to it's new block element state if possible ($
('#sidebar2').css('display', 'block');).

        // 'get a quote!' button is clicked
                $('#content').css('width', '33%');

             > $('#sidebar2').css('display', 'block');

                $('.wpcf7').css('border', '3px solid #6ABC00');
                return false;
        $('.wpcf7 input').focus(function(){
                $('.wpcf7').css('border', 'none');

What I've been experimenting with isn't working unfortunately :[

        // 'get a quote!' button is clicked
                $('#content').css('width', '33%');

             > $('#sidebar2').animate({display: "block"}, 1000);

                $('.wpcf7').css('border', '3px solid #6ABC00');
                return false;
        $('.wpcf7 input').focus(function(){
                $('.wpcf7').css('border', 'none');

Any tips?

Cheers dudes,

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