Something like:

rules: {
     first: "required",
     last: "required",
     billing_first: {
          required: function() { return billing_address == 1; }
     billing_last: {
          required: function() { return billing_address == 1; }
     billing_first: {
          required: function() { return billing_address == 1; }
     billing_address: {
          required: function() { return billing_address == 1; }

On May 14, 10:14 am, choffman <> wrote:
> Hi There,
> I could use some help here.  I need to place a condition statement
> (if) in this form validation script.  For some reason, I just can't
> get it to work.  Basically, when a user un-checks a particular box
> (billing_addr) additional form fields slide down, those fields need to
> be validated.  If the box is checked the fields roll-up, become
> disable and can be skipped.  What's the best way to accomplish this?
> Thanks,
> MD
> $(document).ready(function() {
>         var billing_address = $("input[name='billing_addr']:!checked").val();
>         $.metadata.setType("validate");
>         $('#mysampleform').validate({
>                 rules: {
>                         first: "required",
>                         last: "required",
>                         address: "required",
>                         city: "required",
>                         state: "required",
>                         country: "required",
>                         zip: "required",
>                         membertype: "required",
>                         amount: "required",
>                         state: "required",
>                         mt: "required",
>                         email: true,
>                         if (billing_address == 1) {
>                                 alert(billing_address);
>                                 billing_first: "required",
>                                 billing_last: "required",
>                                 billing_address: "required",
>                                 billing_city: "required",
>                                 billing_state: "required",
>                                 billing_zip: "required",
>                                 billing_email: true
>                         }
>                 },
>                 messages: {
>                         first: "Please enter your first name",
>                 }
>         });
> });

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