
use createCookie(key, value) method to store value in cookie.

to fetch the stored value in cookie use readCookie(key); method.


On May 14, 11:10 pm, KD <ess33...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm using Wordpress and each post will have a table.  I'm using
> the following script to allow users to highlight a table cell when
> they click on it.  It works with jQuery ui extension and the effects
> core plugin:
> jQuery(document).ready(function() {jQuery("td").click(function()
> { jQuery(this).toggleClass('highlight', 300);});});
> I've been trying to incorporate the cookie plugin (by Klaus Hartl),
> but have gotten no where.  I want users to be able to click on
> different posts, but would like the highlighted table cells to remain
> as they click to another post and then come back.  Hope that makes
> sense!  Thanks all

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