Hi Folks,

i have a big roblem with a little getJSON request. At first..this is my

=== HTML ===

<button>dicken ajax-request ausführen!</button>
    <ul id="myList">

=== JavaScript ==

        $.getJSON("myJson.js", myCallback);
            function myCallback (jsonObject){
                    $("#myList").append("<li>" + this + "</li>");

=== The JSON document ===
    "anInt": 5555,
    "aFloat": 55.055,
    "aString": "testing",
    "aBoolean": true,
    "anArray": [
    "anObject": {
        "prop1": "a value",
        "prop2": "another value",
        "prop3": -9999
    "aNull": null

you can also see this online at

So here is finally my problem. I can just get numbers or bools of this JSON
document. When i am trying to get a string e.g. nothing happens. No fanncy
things, and no errors in my firebug console. I think its a problem with the
each() function. I tried everything i could imagine till now. But nothing
seems to work. Is there somone in this mailinglist who could help

Kind Regards,
The Pattentrick

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