
My jQuery-Plugin shoud produce two buttons with a onclick-event.

The onclick-event got fired, when I call the plugin, without clicking
on the button.
Why got the click-event fired without clicking the button?

Here my (shorted) plugin:

(function($) {
        $.fn.rte = function(options) {
                $.fn.rte.defaults = {
                        button : {
                                bold : {
                                        alt:' bold ',
                                        // Problem: Got fired, before
I click on the Button!
                                        click : function(){
                                                return false;
                                ul :{
                                        alt:' ul ',
                                        // Problem: Got fired, before
I click on the Button!
                                        click : function(){
                                                return false;
                var opts = $.extend(true, $.fn.rte.defaults, options);

                // iterate and construct the RTEs
                return this.each(function(){
                        $.each(opts.button, function(i, n){

                                var button = $('<img />')


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