If you absolutely must use a checkbox you could do the following:

when you click on a check box, set the "checked" attribute of the other
checkboxes in the same group to ""湴

Michael Lawson
Development Lead, Global Solutions, ibm.com
Phone:  1-828-355-5544
E-mail:  mjlaw...@us.ibm.com

'Examine my teachings critically, as a gold assayer would test gold. If you
find they make sense, conform to your experience, and don't harm yourself
or others, only then should you accept them.'

  From:       Danny Nolan <danny_no...@yahoo.co.uk>                             
  To:         jquery-en@googlegroups.com                                        
  Date:       05/15/2009 11:48 AM                                               
  Subject:    [jQuery] Re: how to uncheck the check box                         

 Change to a standard radio group?                                 
 --- On Fri, 5/15/09, bharani kumar                                
 <bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com> wrote:                            
  From: bharani kumar <bharanikumariyer...@gmail.com>              
  Subject: [jQuery] how to uncheck the check box                   
  To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com                                   
  Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 9:38 AM                              
  Hi all                                                           
  Can u tell me , how to uncheck the check box , when i check      
  another check box,                                               
  for example                                                      
  having 4 check boxes,                                            
  be default check box is checked ,.                               
  when i check the check box 2 , then need to uncheck the checked  
  one ,                                                            
  How to do this in jquery ,                                       
  உங்கள் நண்பன்                                                        
  பரணி  குமார்                                                      
  POST YOUR OPINION                                                

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