can you show some code that isn't working

On May 16, 6:21 am, jayarjo <> wrote:
> "New in jQuery 1.3:
> All triggered events now bubble up the DOM tree. For example if you
> trigger an event on a paragraph then it will trigger on that element
> first, then on the parent element, and its parent, and so on up to the
> document. The event object will have a .target property equal to the
> original triggered element. You can prevent the bubbling by calling
> stopPropagation() or by returning false from your 
> callback."
> In other words triggered event should bubble up to it's parent
> container, should it? If yes, then I want to catch it on parents level
> and trigger it on another child of choice, and so on. But it doesn't
> seem to bubble... :(
> Any help appreciated.

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