I finally get it working by specifiying custom focus and open events
in the dialog settings. Here they are :

//      Setting new tabindex to input elements
focus: function(e, ui) {
        $(e.target).find(':input:visible').each(function(i) {
                $(this).attr('tabindex', 30000+i);
//      Focusing first element of the form
,open: function() {

What it does is reassigning new tabindex values to input fields in the
modal box (starting with 3000 -big enough to be sure it will not mess
with allready defined tabindex), and then focusing the first one
(tabindex = 30000).
Tabbing through fields now works

On 15 mai, 02:31, gearb0x <beer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've got the same problem with FF3, seems to work fine in IE7
> Any luck?
> On May 10, 11:59 pm, Pixelastic <timcc.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm opening a dialog box using the jQuery UI dialog methods, this box
> > will display a form, and I would like to autofocus the first element.
> > I'm also modifying tabindex of the different form fields of this new
> > form in order to make them a lot higher than those of the original
> > page, and thus navigate through the form using only the tab key.
> > The issue is that I can correctly change tabindex values, and
> > correctly focus the first element but pressing tab will not focus the
> > next element in my newly added form but seems to act as I was focusing
> > the first "tabindexable" element of my original page.
> > I also note that manually focusing (ie. clicking) the element cause no
> > problem, new tab index order is respected.
> > Does anyone have a clue where it can came from ? Something seems to be
> > messed up in the tabindex order.
> > Tested on FF3, maybe the browser only update tabindex order on
> > "manual" focus and not when modifying attributes ?

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