I need to play an audio file in response to a user action.  The player
must be completely cross-browser compatible, and hopefully use an
available plug-in.  jQuery.media seems to be the ticket, but while I
can get it to work in manual mode, it doesn't autoplay for me.

This may be a problem with player.swf, not jQuery.media(), but this
test page:

www elearningcorner com / products/media/index.htm

shows the problem.  The rendered html (viewed by Firebug) looks good
to me:

<embed height="400" width="400" flashvars="file=elements%2Faudio
%2Fhallelujah.mp3" autoplay="true" wmode="transparent"
bgcolor="#ffffff" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer";
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="player.swf?file=elements
%2Faudio%2Fhallelujah.mp3" style="display: block;"/>

I don't see anything wrong there.  In fact, if you load the
src="player.swf?..." in your browser URL, it plays.

I am guessing that the autoplay="true" isn't passed properly, or maybe
should be passed in flashvars.  I modified the code to pass it in
flashvars and IE begins to autoplay, not so in Firefox or Safari.

If this is a player.swf revision issue, if you can, please respond
with a URL to a working player.swf.


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