Can I just thank you guys!! I've wasted hours trying to fiddle around
with selectedIndex and stuff; the best I achieved was to get the html
object returned :(

It wasn't clear from the docs. Confusingly, I did get the option text
with $( 'select#myselect option:selected' ).text(). But I couldn't get
the value as well; I needed both.

To clarify for anyone else struggling with it, here's what I did:-

$( 'select#myselect' ).change( function () {
  var itemValue;
  var itemText;
  $( 'select#myselect option:selected' ).each( function () {
    itemValue = $( this ).val();
    itemText = $( 'select#myselect option:selected').text();
  $( '#answer' ).text( itemText + ' is number ' + itemValue );
  // do some work with the answer

I don't know why you have to name the select option twice, nor why it
wouldn't work with $( this ) but there you go ...

Thanks :D
Of course, if any of you geniuses can improve my code, I'm listening!


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