I don't see anything tooo odd here.  Here's what I would suggest though:

1. Call the autocomplete function a few times manually. Put the URL to it in the browser's address bar and load the page a few times (you'll need to switch your code to use $_GET though). Try to mix up the speed of reloads, the data being passed, etc. IF you see any blank pages, then you know the server side code is where the problem is at. But if you always see output, continue debugging....

2. Temporarily remove the .result() method just to ensure that is not causing confusion somewhere. Commenting it out should be good enough.

3. Make sure you are using the most recent stable version of the plugin.

4. In your PHP code, where you are checking for no 'q' value and just exit the function.... replace that return with something like

  echo "no criteria|0";

Just to see if this condition is the problem area. Also, I'd probably change the condition to be if (empty($q)) - which is a slightly better check. That's a style thing though, so up to you....

Now, with that out of the way... Your PHP code seems odd to me. Why pull back ALL clients and then do a string comparison to sort out what to show or not? It is MUCH faster/more efficient to let the database do that filtering for you. Do you have control of the Client class? If so, can you add a search method that takes the 'q' value as a criteria for the name? But, the code as is *should* run, so take my comments as constructive observations... :)


MeanStudios wrote:
Shawn, yes, that is the plugin I am talking about.  In Jorn's blog
post on Autocomplete he said to post here with [Autocomplete] in the
subject if having problems.

Here's the code I'm using:

$("#client_name").autocomplete("/ac/get_clients/", {
        scroll: true,
        scrollHeight: 300,
        autoFill: true,
        cacheLength: 1,
        max: 20,
        matchContains: false

I also have a .result(function(){}); running after that as well so I
can populate a form with the returned data from the autocomplete.
I'm using CodeIgniter as my php framework utilizing a library called
DataMapper which is an implementation of an ORM.  Here's the function
I'm using to return the data:

function get_clients()
        $c = new Client();
        $q = strtolower($_POST['q']);
        if ( ! $q)
        foreach ($c->all as $client) {
                if (strpos(strtolower($client->name), $q) !== false) {
                        echo "$client->name|$client->id\n";

On May 19, 5:36 pm, Shawn <sgro...@open2space.com> wrote:
There are a few different autocomplete plugins out there.  I'll assume
you are using the one found 
athttp://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/ (which
is the one documented at docs.jquery.com)  The author, Jorn Zaefferer,
is on this list often....

I've seen oddities like this with the plugin, but it pretty much always
was a problem in how I was implementing the plugin.  Or a potential
problem with my server side code or local network.  But I tend to do
more than the absolute basics too, so I always assume it's my fault
first.. :)

Short of seeing some sample code, I'm not sure how much more I can help
out... But hope that points you towards the solution somewhat.


MeanStudios wrote:
I'm currently using this awesome plugin for my web app but I'm having
a bit of an annoying bug with it.  It sometimes does not pull up any
results when typing in.  Like if I have something in the database with
the name "March" and I type in "mar" it shows the little loading.gif
but then disappears and doesn't give me any results.  If I tab away
and come back to it and try it again, then it will work.  And even
that doesn't make it work.  Sometimes I have to totally refresh the
page.  I thought it might be the cache mechanism so I turned that off
setting "cacheLength" to "1".
Any other ideas as to why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't?

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