WOW! That works perfect for me!

On 19 Mai, 19:50, aquaone <> wrote:
> Either you can bind to the td's that don't contain the checkbox or you can
> delegate and check the target of the clicked event to make sure it's not the
> td that has the checkbox.
> The former would be $("tr[link] td:not(:has(:checkbox))") I believe, and is
> the easiest. Hopefully others can chime in about which is best or perhaps
> yet another solution.
> aquaone
> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 07:45, heohni
> <>wrote:
> > I found a good solution to make a complete table row clickable:
> > <tr link="/folder/here.php">.....
> > $("tr[link]").bind("click", function(){
> >        var link = $(this).attr("link");
> >        window.location.href = link;
> >  });
> > Only problem in my case:
> > My tbale has as first <td> a checkbox to select my products.
> > How can I change the jquery above to exclude a <td> containing a
> > <input type="checkbox"....>?
> > Is there a way?
> > Thanks!!

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