Well, in 1.3.2 it now throws an exception, since the CSS selector "#" is
invalid. If you wish to use that precise technique I'd wrap a try/catch
around the jQuery statement to catch the error.


On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 8:22 AM, madmax019 <maxi.karr...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have the following problem with the latest jQuery version. Thanks
> already to anyone wanting to help me.
> With jQuery 1.2.2 I could get a targets hash like this:
>            var $target = $(this.hash);
> Sometimes, people use just href="#" to get to the top of page and not
> href="#header" (or similar). Hence, if it was just a #, I considered
> it to have an undefined target. Now to check whether the hash is
> undefined or not, I used the following:
>            var $defined = $target.length;
> Now if the hash was undefined, I would get a zero. If it was defined,
> I would get a 1. Then with a simple if statement I was able to sort
> through the stuff...
> Apparently with jQuery 1.3.2 this is no longer possible? Anyone know
> why and possibly know a fix to this?
> Thanks
> Max

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