Hi all, I have a problem which is well over my JQuery/javascript head.
I have a page (http://www.norabrowndesign.com/new_site/portfolio/
websites/index.html) in which you can click on any thumbnail and up
pops an iframe, using the thickbox plugin. The iframe loads a new html
document (for example 

Now in *that* document, I have some jquery which calculates and sets
some margins, based on the heights and widths of images (which are
explicitly declared in the html):

var max_height = 0;
$('#slideBox img').each(function() {
                        max_height = Math.max(max_height, 
var marg_top = Math.round((500 - max_height)/3);

This works dandy in everything but...IE. At least IE8, I haven't been
able to test IE7 or 6. Thing is, if I just open the page on its own,
it works fine. It is when the page is loaded into the iframe that it
screws up.

If I put a little "alert(max_height);" in there, IE gives 0 when the
page is called from the iframe. Curses!

Any help is sincerely appreciated.

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