Unable to figure out why my load function stops working after a form

On the page I have two different forms. After submitting the first
form - I come back to the page now when I click the add button - I see
an alert message but no JSP loaded. I don't see any interaction with
the server at all.

 $ (function() {
        $('#add_value').click( function() {
           alert("inside click");
                         'descriptorValue.jsp', function(){return false;});


I have an add button with id=add_value. On the page I have an empty
div id=descriptor_value.
When add button is clicked I display the descriptorvalue.jsp. This
works fine on the every click until I submit my form.

What am I missing? I read through the re-binding issue but not sure if
its applicable to my case since I have only one unique add_button and
after the AJAX call the there is no other add_button.

Any help is much appreciated.

Rumpa Giri

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