Ohhh, now that I've read the code you're using to grab the attribute

In your alert(), try


instead of


(note the lowercase i).

But the easiest solution (if it works) would be the direct selector
approach from my first answer.

On May 21, 6:34 pm, alex <boba...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> OK, so now I have a new method of going about things and I'm so nearly
> there, but can't get it working. I'm using this piece of Javascript
> modified from a d'bug post
> http://itiz.in/12u7
> If I remove the "medium" from the mix, I get an alert box with all
> three image URLs, no spaces. If I add "medium" (which is the size I
> need) I get no response, and Safari's Web Inspector says "TypeError:
> Result of expression 'attribute["Image"]' [undefined] is not an
> object.". I just need to grab that medium image URL, but it's proving
> very hard!

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