On May 24, 10:19 pm, waseem sabjee <waseemsab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> after clicking the older image I am redirected 
> tohttp://www2.gol.com/users/hsmr/emblem/name.html
> is this behavior correct ?

Yes, this is correct.

> throughout these steps firebug did not encounter any JS errors.
> Try pressing CTRL and F5,, this refreshes the page as well as clears any
> cache from it.

It is probably fn and F5 on a MacBook, but this is unlikely the issue.

In order to view the error message you must turn on the Console and
Script options in Firebug and allow JavaScript to run for some period
of time.  Selecting the fn-F5 option does refresh the page, as you
say, but has the effect of turning off JavaScript while Firebug
remains active.  In fact, once I turn the Console and Script Firebug
options on, the only way for me to view my page properly is to restart
Firefox with Firebug turned off -- surely this is wrong.

On the one hand, that I am able to view my page correctly and
initially in Firefox when Firebug is turned off suggests that jQuery
is not the source of my problem; on the other hand, what could is
Firebug with jQuery when it prevents a perfectly good script from
running only to produce an error message at the end?  This is, in the
end, my dilemma.


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