I am a Rails developer and new to jQuery so this may be a naive
I am using jQuery Accordion plugin in my project and it is working,
but now I am trying to tweak it and do not know how to:

So I have a page that displays comments as a stack of accordion
folds.  This is the code in my application.html.erb (master layout)

        $("#accordion").accordion({ autoHeight: false, event:
'mouseover' });

This works fine.  There is a Rails form on this page where I allow the
users to create a comment, and submit it.  Upon submission, the
"prepends" the notes record as shown below:

$("#accordion").prepend("<%= escape_javascript(render(:partial =>
'shared/comment', :object => @comment)) %>");

What is totally confusing me is that this is showing on the page, but
is not a part of the accordion.  As a matter of fact, when I view the
page source, the entry is not even there on the page, yet it is being
shown in the browser.  How could that be?  There is something
fundamental that I am missing here.

Kindly explain.



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