Hmm, I think that might work. Now just have to tinker w/ it a bit to
get the arrow to animate as well. Thanks, Pepperman!

On May 25, 7:57 pm, Pepperman <> wrote:
> I had to do something like this recently.
> Try this:
> <ol id="myol">
>         <li>We establish, through the Secretary of State, a Corporation in
> any state you choose as your home base of operations.</li>
>         <li>We customize a 401k plan that can invest in your corporate stock
> and traditional investments.</li>
>         <li>Our experts help you roll over your retirement funds into the
> 401k plan that you control.</li>
>         <li>The 401k makes a direct purchase of your corporate stock,
> infusing your corporation with cash.</li>
>         <li>We help you set up a Corporate Bank Account with checkbook
> control of your corporate funds.</li>
> </ol>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $("#myol").everyTime(4000, "myrotate", function() {
>         var $this = $(this), hlen = $this.find("li").length;
>         $"currentshow", $"currentshow") || 0);
>         $this.find("li").removeClass("on")
>                  .eq($"currentshow"))
>                  .addClass("on");
>         $"currentshow", $"currentshow") === hlen ? 0 :
> $"currentshow") + 1);});
> </script>
> On May 25, 5:28 pm, MauiMan2 <> wrote:
> > I've used the jQuery Timers plugin (
> > timers) to animate through my client's "five steps" on this 
> > page: there a way to get it to
> > continuously loop through the animation? The documentation page
> > ( doesn't seem to cover anything like
> > that. Thanks in advance.

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