it recognizes an a:hover though, so display:block and use that as the

it's more semantically meaningful than making a div a link anyway.

On May 23, 7:04 pm, waseem sabjee <> wrote:
> yes.
> however sometimes the jquery method is needed for IE6 as IE6 won't recognize
> a div:hover or li:hover
> but in this situation css only works best.
> On Sat, May 23, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Karl Swedberg <>wrote:
> > The OP is asking about a very simple link rollover. Since it appears people
> > aren't taking RobG's advice and looking up "CSS rollovers" on Google, here
> > is a quick demonstration:
> >
> > On May 22, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Andy Matthews wrote:
> > I believe your CSS is invalid. I don't think you can apply both a class AND
> > an ID in the same selector which is what does.
> > The CSS is perfectly valid, as you can see if you copy and paste it in
> > here:
> > Now
> > #base-state:active might work as that's a pseudo class.
> > The :hover pseudo-class will work just fine. If you want the state to
> > change when the user tabs onto the link, then use :focus as well.
> > As others have already noted, this requires absolutely no jQuery/JavaScript
> > whatsoever.
> > For IE6, however, if you're getting a flash in between states, you'll want
> > to add the following somewhere in the <head> (or reference a script file
> > that does the same):
> >   <!--[if lte IE 6]>
> >     <script type="text/javascript">
> >       try {
> >         document.execCommand('BackgroundImageCache', false, true);
> >       } catch(e) {}
> >     </script>
> >   <![endif]-->
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Behalf Of ButtersRugby
> > Then in your css,
> > #base-state {background-position: 0px 0px;}   // The first 0 is the X
> > axis position, the second is the Y
> > {background-position: 0px 30px;} // This is our second
> > class that we will switch to with our jquery
> > You probably meant to use a negative number for the y axis
> > on
> > {background-position: 0px -30px;}
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >  $("#base-state").click(function() {
> >      $(this).toggleClass("active");
> >      }
> >   )
> > });
> > The OP wanted the state to change on hover, not click. Anyway, jQuery is
> > not necessary.
> > --Karl
> > ____________
> > Karl Swedberg
> >
> >

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