I'm not understanding the "extra click anywhere" part. Is it a 'blur'
that is triggering something?
Exactly how are you doing what you're doing?
Maybe it's just an IE bug where things are not working as expected. If
you could show us how you're doing what you're doing, maybe we could
help debug it and find a workaround.

On May 26, 11:52 am, foldiman <vi...@vinceallen.com> wrote:
> Is there a javascript or jQuery method available to force the browser
> to render the contents of the window? This would something similar to
> updating the "stage" in Director or Flash.
> I have a two-column interaction set up where users input information
> in one column and see their results in another. Safari, Firefox, etc
> all work perfectly. IE however needs an extra click anywhere on the
> browser window for the results to appear. So I'm looking for a way to
> attach a function to a UI control that 'forces' IE to render the
> screen so the changes appear.
> Thanks.

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