This was helping and solving my problem:

On 27 Mai, 12:22, Charlie <> wrote:
> $.getScript("url") might help
> heohni wrote:Hi, on my contact page, I have some hidden divs. One is for a 
> google map. This div is only shown when the user has clicked to open the div. 
> As I am working with smarty my template looks like this: <span id="gmap"> 
> {literal} <script src=" 
> file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAp1kkS_NlSeBqN9yg50Bb9hTRRxoX5cqBbtB- 
> sMaIPwRkCNveuxTK0oI3HaFAjNd9OtVNIVqQYPII7g"type="text/javascript"></ script> 
> {/literal} <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 518px; height: 400px;"></div> 
> </span> .... <a class="plainPopup" href="#gmap"><img src="images/map.jpg" 
> alt=""/></ a> ... And - even the div is not shown, the google script is 
> loading and slows down the page. Is there a way to load the script within my 
> external jquery file, where I handle the show/hide div action? like 
> $('.plainPopup').click(function() { .... load the external google file .....? 
> Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!! Bye

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