On May 27, 6:00 pm, Scott Sauyet <li...@sauyet.com> wrote:
> Lideln wrote:
> > Is there a way to store ajax calls in variables and reuse them later ?
> > I saw that $.ajax is returning the XHR object, maybe it could be a
> > lead ?
> Are you trying to save the XHR object jQuery uses internally, the jQuery
> parameters to the call, or the results of the call?  The last one is
> easy: just define a success function, and save the result of the first
> parameter.  The second one is straightforward too.  $.ajax() takes an
> object.  You can cache that if you want.  As to the first possibility,
> which is what it sounds like you want, I'm not sure jQuery exposes it.
> But of what use would it be anyway after the call is complete?

Oh my god, is it possible that I'm so blind ? Maybe it's because I've
not been sleeping much these times...
You are right, what I'm trying to do is to save the ajax call
parameters... Which is, as you say, sooooo obvious to do !!
I'm sorry for that pointless thread, but at least you have opened my
eyes and I'll be able to continue my work :)

Thanks a lot !


>    -- Scott

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