That looks great but I don't know how to implement it into my jQuery

When I include it in the page or in my jQuery file, I get all sorts of

On May 27, 2:58 pm, "Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva"
<> wrote:
> Please have a look 
> at:
> Maurício
>   -----Mensagem Original-----
>   De: Andy
>   Para: jQuery (English)
>   Enviada em: quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009 14:32
>   Assunto: [jQuery] Re: selecting next()'s until I reach a tag
>   Thanks for the suggestion!
>   That sort of works, but it's also getting the <p> tags AFTER the next
>   H5, and I don't want it to.
>   On May 27, 1:24 pm, "Mauricio \(Maujor\) Samy Silva"  
> <> wrote:
>   > Try:
>   > $('h5').nextAll('p');
>   >
>   > Maurício

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