So after a continued search for a similar problem i finally found what
i think is the answer.

it appears the IE set a global variable for each element with the same
ID. so calling login_box = $('#login_box'); causes IE to fail.

you can either add var to the front e.g. var login_box = ... or you
can change the name of the variable itself. my_login_box etc...

from the man himself. hopefully this helps anyone who comes across the
same problem..

On May 27, 7:44 pm, Bob O <> wrote:
> My code runs great in every browser but IE6 IE7 and IE8. it breaks and
> causes all scripts to fail.
> i setup Visual Web Developer in my VM like a blog post told me, and
> when i load the page i get
> Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property
> or method
> that seem to break on this line
> login_button = $('#login_button');
> its basically my setup for the jQuery UI dialog.
> This is the entire piece
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   // buttons
>   login_button = $('#login_button');
>   whistle_button = $('#whistle_banner_btn');
>   victim_button = $('#victim_banner_btn');
>   join_button = $('#join_fight_banner_btn');
>   sub_blow_button = $('#blow_the_whistle');
>   sub_spread_word = $('#spread_the_word');
>   // divs
>   login_box = $('#login_box');
>   whistle_box = $('#whistle_box');
>   join_box = $('#join_box');
>   login_box.hide();
>   whistle_box.hide();
>   join_box.hide();
>   // div setups
>   login_box.dialog({width: 400, modal: true, resizable: false,
> autoOpen: false});
>   whistle_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
> autoOpen: false});
>   join_box.dialog({width: 500, modal: true, resizable: false,
> autoOpen: false});
>   // actions
> {
>     login_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> {
>     whistle_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> {
>     join_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> {
>     join_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> {
>     whistle_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> {
>     join_box.dialog("open");
>     return false;
>   });
> });
> im not a js expert, so im hoping someone can point me in the right
> direction..

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