Thanks to Jack and Rey,

I have posted several thank you's to the jquery-en list and/or the
jquery-dev list and/or individual developers for jquery.

jQuery has provided an outlet for me as a programmer as much as an artist
like a painter, etc enough.

Jack I thank you for your thank-you, and Rey I thank you for your thank-you
for thank-you's.

(Thank You All)*2

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Rey Bango <> wrote:

> Thanks Jack. These type of emails are such great motivation for the team.
> We really appreciate it. :)
> Rey...
> Jack Killpatrick wrote:
>> I've been majorly head's-down in a jQuery-driven AIR app for the last few
>> weeks. I've been using jQuery almost daily since very early on (2+ yrs?). It
>> works great for my web apps and great for this AIR app, which is _very_
>> heavy js/jQuery.
>> Great work! Thanks, kudos, etc to the jQuery and jQuery UI teams!!
>> Now, back to my custom plugins and chaining events....  ;-)
>> - Jack

Christopher Thatcher

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