Try removing the trailing comma on the confirmpassword object.

confirmpassword: {
        required: true,
        minlength: 5,
        maxlength: 10,
        equalTo: "#password"
}, <------------- REMOVE THIS COMMA

On May 29, 8:14 am, Stoney <> wrote:
> I've been working with JQuery for a few months now, and I wrote a
> register form validation script and everything works perfectly in
> FireFox, but I just recently checked it in Internet Explorer (Version
> 7) and nothing works.
> I've tried taking it apart and examining different parts of the code,
> but haven't been able to crack it. The error I am getting is:
> Line: 86
> Character: 9
> Code: 0
> Error Message: Expected identifier, string or number
> The link to the site is:
> .
> Any ideas would be helpful.
> Thank you,
> Michael Stone
> Web Developer Intern
> Hamilton College
> BT: Web Development and Management
> Morrisville State College

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