Hi All,

I am using AutoComplete plug-in, its working great for me. But now i
have some new requirement and i am not able to make it work with

Requirement is as follow:

Now i need 2 extra parameter to pass and these two parameter's value
would be depend on selected value of selected box.

So let me explain in details:

$(".mui_search_input").autocomplete('http://weburl/Service.svc/', {
                minChars: 3,
                matchContains: false,
                autoFill: false,
                cacheLength: 3,
                mustMatch: true,
                extraParams: { Parm1:"valueofselectionbox1",

Here valueofselectionbox1 and valueofselectionbox2 are selection box
next to search box. so i supposed to get values of those selection box
and pass as extra parameter.

I tired with following but not working:

extraParams: { Parm1:"$(.selectbox1).val()", Param2:"$(.selectbox2).val

If more explanation is needed let me know.

Any Suggestion, comments,

Thanks in advanced

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