Very nice.

On May 29, 7:39 pm, Panman <> wrote:
> This is a double post, at least going to be a double post from in the
> jQuery Plugin list. I'm being moderated yet on that list, and it
> doesn't seem to get much activity.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi, I'm going to post this here since the Tablesorter developer hasn't
> gotten back to me yet.
> I took a copy of the latest version in SVN and modified it to have
> jQuery UI Theme support. It seems to work very well and anyone is
> welcome to use it. Here are the features:
> New Options
> ----------------------
> uiTheme: boolean true/false (default false)
> uiThemeIconAsc: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-1-
> s')
> uiThemeIconDesc: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-1-
> n')
> uiThemeIconSort: string 'icon-class-name' (default  'ui-icon-carat-2-n-
> s')
> New Widgets
> -----------------------
> zebraStripes - same thing as zebra, just vertically
> checkers - just what it sounds like
> Note: zebra and zebraStripes can be used together but zebra must be
> first
> Download
> -----------------------
> I was hoping this would be included into tablesorter so I just threw
> up the modified version on my work site for now. Let me know what you
> think!

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