I personally would just use jQuery's .get() method. Then with your PHP pages you can use xml, json, or html snippets. I tend to use html snippets.


<a href="MyNewBadAssDynamicPage.php?id=1" id="BadAssPage1">View Bad Ass Page</a>
<div id="BadAssPageContent"></div>

        var pagelink = $('#BadAssPage1').attr('href');
        $.get(pagelink, function(data){

PHP - MyNewBadAssDynamicPage.php

$id = $_GET['id']
// load db stuff form $id
<div class="coolstuff"><?php echo $dbStuff; ?></div>

When I was first learning jQuery one thing help me get use to the idea of ajax is not to think of databases or dynamic data. jQuery really could careless if it's loading a php, asp, js, or even html page. All it needs is a valid link to load the data. Once the data is loaded it then needs a function to decide what to do with the data. That's it.

Coming from a PHP & Actionscript background I would say the hardest part of learning jQuery was excepting it's simplicity.

On Jun 1, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Mike C wrote:

So I'm going to be printing a list of items from a database, and with
each item there will be a link printed with it. Essentially, I want
something like <a href="link from database" id="link_1">Load</a>,
except I want the link to use ajax. So in my scripts.js file I'll have
something like $('#link_1').click( function() { $('#link_1').load
("link from database")}); I want to get the link from database from
the PHP file that contains the initial link. How would I do this?

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