On Jun 1, 4:21 pm, kiusau <kiu...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Jun 1, 9:39 am, kiusau <kiu...@mac.com> wrote:

It would be unjust to say that my time was completely wasted in this
forum, but it would be foolish for me to waste any more, because I
have discovered here what I dislike most about IT forum's in general.
So, with these few words I will say good-bye.

To those who have helped me, I wish you well and my very best in your
continued endeavor.
To those who have left me hanging, may you suffer the same frustration
that I have felt.
To those who have sought to derail me, I am sure that you will find
your own gutter, if you are not in it already.
To those who have treated me with indifference, I am leaving.


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